Sunday, 30 November 2008

Marriage in Japan

Marriage in Japan

During the age of aristocracy, Muko-iri was the common marriage system in Japan. A bridegroom would nightly visit his bride at her home. Only after the birth of a child or the loss of his parents would be the bride be accepted as the wife in the man's home. Among common people labour power was and essential factor to maintain a family. A bridegroom would live with his bride's family to offer his labour for a certain length of time. The practice remains today in the system of adoption by which a man becomes a member of another family by marriage.

With the rise of "Bushi" warriors, the system of women marrying into men's families called Yome-iri was gradually adopted and widely accepted in the 14th century and on. Under the feudal system marriages were often used as political and diplomatic approaches to maintaining peace and unity among feudal lords. Thus the personal will of men and women for marriage was ignored in the face of family interests and the social intercourse of unmarried persons was denied. Marriages came to be arranged by and for families and the role of "Nakodo" go-between became very important in Japan. Now this Yome-iri system is quite common in Japan and you can find the traditional procedure in the contemporary marriage.

Throughout history, Japanese marital systems had gone through many changes along with changes in Japanese social systems and conditions. The most important and historical change in the Japanese marital system was brought about through the rise of "bushi" warriors in the 13th and 14th centuries. The change from the age of aristocracy to the age of the shoguns led to a change from the old practice of “muko-iri” to the new practice of “yome-iri”. That is, instead of the groom joining the bride’s family ("muko-iri"), the bride would join the groom’s family ("yome-iri") after the birth of a child or the loss of a parent.
Under the feudal system, Japanese marriages were often used as political and diplomatic means to maintain peace and unity among feudal lords. The young men and women of the day did not have a say in choosing their partners in marriage. Rather, a matchmaker would arrange marriages on behalf of both families. Thus, the role of a "nakodo" (a matchmaker) was established in Japan.

It is interesting to note that a young man had more say in choosing his own bride during the age of aristocracy. A young man would typically visit the young lady of his choice at her home. If the young woman’s parents approve of their union, the young man would be invited to a ceremony termed “tokoro-arawashi" and offered "mochi" rice cakes. This ceremony was deemed to be the most important function in ancient weddings among aristocrats.

Similarly among the common people, a young man would visit the parents of the lady and asked her parents for her hands in marriage. Labour played an essential role in life of the common people. Labour practices vary from places. In certain areas of Japan, such as the Tohoku area in the north, a groom would live with his bride's family to offer his labour for a certain length of time. While in other parts of the country such as the Izu Islands, a wife would work for the family of her husband while her husband would offer his labour to her family. It is worth noting that such labour arrangement is still being practised to this day in marriages where the man is adopted into the family of the bride upon marriage. A third and more common family labour arrangement was for the groom and the bride to offer their labour to their respective families. In such a case, the husband would visit his wife nightly to maintain their union in marriage.

One word, two concepts

A lot has been written on this subject. Here is a temptative summary of what I've learned from my social interactions in Japan. I've also talked with some Korean friends and it seems that Korean and Japanese ways of thinking are very similar regarding the following matter. It also appears that Westerners, whatever the country, from Europe to America or Australia have comparable opinions on these issues.

Needless to say that this is a personal (thus subjective) point of view, based on my experience and knowledge only, and concentrate on the most common attitude

encountered in the people of each country, and exceptions are numerous.

Reason for marriage

West: Love => people promise to love each other for ever when they get married (even if it's often a dream). Modern laws make it the same to get children outside marriage, so that if people only want children, marriage is not even necessary. Marriage is usually a proof of love and commitment for life. If love disappears, people tend to divorce

easily (except sometimes when there are small children, to avoid perturbing them psychologically).

Japan: Children => with or without love is not very important. Lots of marriage are still arranged ("miai") and some Japanese think that it's better than love marriage because loveless arranged marriage rarely end up in divorce as the purpose is to have and raise children, and for the woman often to quit working and care about the household. Japanese men often look down on women at work, but are usually ready to ask them to stay at home and pay for their expenses, even if their salary is tight. As the father of a child born outside marriage is not legally recognised, the marriage rate of parents is close to 100%.

Japanese family relationships

Even in love marriages, once a woman has a baby, her husband regards her as a mother, not a woman anymore, which means their sexual life comes to an end. The new mother is said to lose completely interest in her husband anyway (this may not be true in international couples, from what I have heard). p>In most families, children sleep with both parents or just the mother. The the latter case, the father has his own room. I've been told that this way he wouldn't wake his wife and children up when he comes back late from work.

Sleeping with the child(ren) in the middle of the parents is so common in Japan that Japanese and a special name for it, a comparison it to the kanji (kawa = river). Children might sleep with their parents till the age of 3, 5, 8, 12 or even 16, depending on the family, number of children and space in the house.

Western reaction to children sleeping with parents

Westerners find for the least surprising that children sleep everyday with their parents (especially till age of 12 or later). They should not forget that on top of this it is normal in Japan for a father to have a bath with his children, even 20 year-old girls! I guess that if the average Japanese man loses interest in his wife once she becomes a mother, there is no problem with children either.

I have heard a lot that Westerners would be afraid of crushing their new-born baby by sleeping in the same bed, but I was told that it never happened (of all mammals, only male sealions and pandas sometime crush their babies to death when sleeping with them, but never humans would it seem). The good point of the mother sleeping with the baby is that the baby doesn't cry because it feels secure near its mother and has a unexhaustible warm-milk bottle at its disposal. I have read that it was better for babies to be breastfed than drink other milk. That system definitely has its advantages.

Another concern is that the parents lose their privacy and cannot have sex anymore - unless doing it in front of the child, which is a kind of taboo in the Judeo-Christian mindset. As Japanese parents stop having sex regularly after their children are born, that is not a problem.

For international couples who do continue, I was told little babies can sleep very well even with the parents doing whatever they please right beside them. But they should have their own room from age 3 or 4 then.

Finally, lots of Westerners think it might cause psychological problems to the children to sleep with their parents. But Japanese do it and seem to be alright with it. The only drawback I can think of is the independence factor. Japanese are very group-minded and usually have difficulty thinking by themselves. It may be related.

Why do Japanese women stop working when they get married or pregnant?

1. It's in the culture like that. They usually want to. Most Westerners think they are forced to quit, but they often resigned from their own will (or from what society has inculcated them). Japanese men also prefer that their wife stay at home once married. Women almost always want to spend as much time as they can with their babies (remember J-girls like what is "kawaii" ? The connection is evident).

2. Nursery schools are few and very expensive in Japan (I have heard about 200.000 yen/month). It make more sense for the mother to stay at home than work and pay almost all her salary for the nursery. In most Western countries, nurseries and kindergartens are free, which allows lots of mothers to work.

3. Paternity leaves don't exist in Japan, and (paid) maternity leave are not encouraged.

Japanese relation to sex

There is a kind a tacit understanding between spouse that after 10 years of marriage (loveless anyway) and a few children, the man is free to satisfy his libido somewhere else. That is why the sex industry is so prosperous in Japan.

Male literature in combini (convenience stores) is 90% porn and everyone reads it openly (and shamelessly) anywhere. Even serious newspapers have their "pink pages". This is just beyond belief for Westerners first visiting Japan.

Japanese men who miss talking to young and cute girls (or not so young and not so cute, depending on the price and place) go to hostess bars or "snack" after work. Nothing much happens there except dirty talk. Those who want to go more carnal have the soaplands and massage parlours, but Asian men's testosterone level is reputedly lower than Caucasian or African men, so they are often satisfied with just talking, watching - and groping...

There is also the infamous "enjo kosai" or teenage prostitution. I'd like to say that for lots of Japanese (or East Asian) women, this isn't even considered as prostitution. Many find it normal to have sex with a man that pays them whatever they want. Remember that marriage is not much more than a man giving almost all his salary to a woman to make children and take care of them. It surely sounds utterly shocking to lots of you, but after talking to (female) Japanese and other Asian friends I know quite well, they don't even see it as abnormal. It's in the mores, that's all. That does not mean Japanese women cheat more, but lots of them certainly consider money as more important than love or sex (which I find very saddening).

Behind this, I have realised that cuteness (the kawaii factor) is very powerful in Japanese women's mentality. They like babies, cute anime characters and cute clothes more than anything else, it seems. Men have an obsessive care about their job and status. My impression is that this stereotype works as well for Korea and China, if not also South-East Asia.

Divorce and charge of the children

In 95% of cases in Japan, the woman gets the exclusive charge of the children. It only seems natural as the father often don't really care about them. He comes back late from work and rarely take part in their education. After a divorce, it's not normal for the father to just forget about his offsprings. He doesn't care very much. That's the mother's role to care for them.

That might sound crude again to some Westerners, as in the West parents sometimes fight bitterly over the charge of their children, and in peaceful cases, it's usual to find arrangement such as the children stay one week with the mother, next week with the father, or, weekdays at the mother's and weekends at the father's. Anyway, lots of fathers would feel terrible not to see their children regularly (see the thread about children abduction in this regard).

Procedures on Registration of Marriage to a Japanese National

Concerning marriage with a Japanese citizen outside Japan -- While both are residing outside Japan with the possibility of marriage before or after coming into Japan, it is advisable for the Japanese partner to inquire at the Japanese consulate nearest their home for the procedures to follow when registering their marriage according to the laws inside your country and then making that marriage legal in Japan for the Japanese partner.

Marriage inside Japan is a civil registration of marriage by the couple at a Japanese government office (city, ward, town or village). RELIGIOUS OR OTHER CEREMONIES DO NOT IN THEMSELVES MAKE A VALID MARRIAGE IN JAPAN, but may be conducted in addition to civil registration.

Here in Japan the following are advised:

1. Go to your consular office in Japan with your passport and sign the "Affidavit of Competency to Marry" (Konin Yoken Gubi Shomeisho). This is signed and sworn before your consular officer. Call ahead of time to find the small fee required by your consulate.

2. Have this Affidavit of Competency to Marry translated into Japanese with the translator's name and seal on the translation. Both the Affidavit and the translation will be required by the Japanese government office.

3. Obtain a copy of the Japanese form of registration of marriage (konin todoke) from her ward/city office and the Japanese national must complete it in Japanese and have two witnesses sign who are over 20 years of age. Ask the government office about how many copies are required.

4. If you are marrying at a government office different from the one where the Japanese family register (koseki) is kept, you will need to get a certified copy of the family register (koseki tohon) issued within one month of the marriage. Foreigners from Taiwan, China, or other nations which also have a koseki system will need a copy of their own as well.

5. Some nationalities (foreigners in Japan) are required to show a certificate of Alien Registration, (gaikokujin toroku zumi shomeisho) not the Alien Card. Be sure to consult with the government office where you plan to marry in Japan about this and/or *any other documents* which they may require.

6. Go to the government office to the Family Registration Section (koseki gakari). After accepting the necessary documents and forms, the office will issue a certificate of Acceptance of Notification of Marriage. (Konin Todoke Juri Shomeisho). Now the marriage is legal in Japan and the certificate is proof of valid marriage. There will be a small fee for this.

7. Some offices may require certified proof of the dissolution of all prior marriages. Please check your chosen government office here.

8. Now your spouse should ask for her new koseki and the names of the wife and husband are entered into this document. The foreign spouse's name, nationality, date and place of this marriage, etc. are recorded in the top section for remarks. Don't worry, this is a legal proof of marriage and this is the Japanese national's official family register.

In cases where a Japanese is married to a foreigner there is the question of what family name to choose. If a foreign spouse wants the Japanese spouse's surname to be officially recognized as his/her name, then he/she must submit a report of change of surname to the local Legal Affairs Bureau with documents certifying that it is possible to change surname according to the laws of the spouse's home country and evidence that the surname has been changed in such things as passport or insurance papers, etc. In your case, in that way, e.g. your Japanese wife can officially change her surname to your name or officially keep her Japanese surname. In that latter case the children will officially have her Japanese surname. It is important to remember that socially people are free to choose whatever name they like, written in whatever form they choose.

Now go to your consulate here in Japan and proceed to legalize your marriage in your country. Some consulates will notarize a translation of the Japanese marriage certificate to use in your home country as proof of legal marriage. Some countries required other procedures. Be sure to check your legal requirements at your consulate here in Japan.

If you marry a Japanese citizen outside Japan, for example in the UK, then the marriage must be registered in Japan through the Japanese embassy or consulate there, within 3 months of receipt of the certificate of marriage in that country. The following are usually required by the Japanese consulate, for example in the UK:

A. a marriage registration form (konin todoke) from the consulate.

B. marriage certificate from the country in which you married.

C. Japanese translation of this marriage certificate with the translator's name and seal or signature on the document.

D. copy of the Japanese spouse's family register (koseki tohon).

E. a valid passport

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Marriage in Singapore

Marriage in Singapore

SUMMARY: All persons, including American citizens, who desire to marry in Singapore must do so according to Singapore law. Marriages in Singapore can be either civil or religious. In both instances a license has to be obtained from the Registrar of Marriages. Persons intending marriage, whether Singaporeans or foreigners, are required to produce passports and evidence of the termination of any previous marriages, if any, i.e. divorce decrees or death certificates.

A 15-day continuous residence in Singapore is required of one of the parties to the proposed marriage. At the end of this period, either party must file a notice of intention to marry with the Registrar of Marriages. After the notice has been filed, there is a 21-day waiting period while the banns are published. The 15-day residency period can be waived, and/or the 21-day waiting period can be shortened for "good cause." Parties to the proposed marriage need not be present in Singapore during the 21-day waiting period while the banns are published.

Anyone under 18 years of age is required to obtain a license from the Ministry of Community Development, before the marriage can take place. The couple has to apply for this license through the Registry of Marriage, Canning Rise, Singapore 0617.

If either party is between 18 and 21 years (i.e., a minor), a written consent of the parents or guardians has to be finalized personally at the Registry of Marriages, witnessed by two adults, or a Court Order permitting their marriage has to be obtained.

The marriage license is valid for 90 days. The fee is Singapore dollars 24.00 (approximately $12.00 in U.S. funds.) A blood test is not required.

Detailed information can be obtained from the receptionist at the Registry of Marriages, Canning Rise, Singapore 0617. Telephone: (65) 33-5339.


The U.S. citizens must file a petition with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security for an Immigrant Visa on behalf of the foreign spouse. If you do not normally reside in Singapore, the Petition for Immigrant Visa (I-30) must be filed for your spouse through the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security office in the United States closest to your residence.

The visa process may take from three to six months or more from the date of filing to the date of final adjudication. Any questions about filing an immigrant visa petition to bring the spouse to the United States should be directed to the nearest office of the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security (check the U.S. Government listings in your phone book), the State Department Visa Office (202) 663-1225 or, while in Singapore, to the American Embassy Singapore.


Generally, American who wish to marry abroad execute a sworn statement regarding their civil status in the form of a "Affidavit of Eligibility/Freedom to Marry" before any Coordination Council for North American Affairs office in the U.S. or at the American Embassy in Singapore. In the absence of a state or national certificate of no impediment to marry, this sworn statement seems to satisfy foreign local requirements.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Looking to get married, come to Hawaii

Looking to get married, come to Hawaii

If you are looking to get married, then there is not a better place for it, other than Hawaii. Whether you plan your marriage before coming here or the plan is made after you reach here. You will get the perfect facilities for your marriage whatever your budget is.

After marriage, what else can a person dream of if he is already on a honeymoon spot. In fact, getting the visitors to marry here has turned into a very profitable business. The percentage of visitors getting married here is very high. Many of these weddings here are of the visitors which come here for having the best fun with traveling experience but, due to the always romantic environment and pleasant weather at the island, fall in love with someone and decide to start their married life from this place.

Arranging a marriage in Hawaii is not a big problem. Even if there is no one to assist you to arrange for the marriage and honeymoon plan, you can take the help from the coordinators of the resorts where you are staying. Most of the hotels and resorts have made a separate department for arrangement of the weddings and honeymoon plans of the visitors coming to their hotels. You will have to tell them the budget and they will organize it accordingly. Although gay and lesbian couples are allowed in Hawaii for any kind of activity, but as far as the marriage between the same sexes is concerned, it is not allowed. The only restriction in getting the marriage license, for opposite sexes, is that both people should be over 15 years of age and should have a proof of it.

The only thing you have to do is to contact the Marriage License office located in your area. An agent will be assigned to you who will guide you for the paper work. Instead of depending upon the hotel management to plan your marriage, if you want to organize it your way, then the agent from the Marriage License Office is a good source of information for the best places for marriage and honeymoons. They will tell you the best places according to your budget and requirement whether it should be on a resort, hotel, near a water fall or a beach.

Almost fifty plus companies have been working here for planning the visitors long stay at the Hawaiian Islands. ALOHA WEDDING PLANNERS, AFFORDABLE WEDDINGS OF HAWAII and TRADE WIND CHARTERS are some of the best planners for marriages. Hawaii Marriage Project is also a good source of information for marriages at the Hawaiian Islands. The Kula Cottage, in Kula(Maui) is a very romantic, ideal place for honeymoon for its privacy. It has a full kitchen, gas barbeque, tables, chairs and umbrella, with a row of papaya and banana tree outside the cottage. The most important of all is that it is a 30 minute drive away from the beach.

The Grand Wailea Resort Hotel (Maui) is also a popular spot for the honeymooner. At a small distance from the beach, Wai Ola Vacation Paradise is a residential development in Maui. You can choose whether to spend your honeymoon in one bedroom, honeymoon cottage or a small studio. Other facilities here are free wireless internet, barbeque, tennis courts and above all, beach. Kauai is also a fabulous place for honeymoons. This place has been shot in more than 50 Hollywood films. The importance of this island as a honeymoon spot can be considered by knowing the fact that the movie “Honeymoon in Vegas” (1992), featuring James Caan, Nicolas Cage, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Pat Morita , was also shot at the very place.

Marriage License Extended Hours for Monday to Thursday Effective October 13 - December 5, 2008
Closed on Friday
(See Below)

Information on marriage licenses may be obtained via the telephone system, any day or any time, by calling (808) 586-4545 or
you may call during regular business hours at the marriage license office at (808) 586-4544.

About Marriage Licenses

Hawaii is a beautiful place and a marriage here is an ideal way for a couple to start life together. You may be a visitor to the Islands, drawn to our year-round warm and sunny weather, or you may be a resident wishing to celebrate a most cherished moment in a place that you call home. Whoever you are, we welcome you and hope that we can make your wedding day as free from worry as possible. Aloha and best wishes!

For any person to lawfully marry in the State of Hawaii, a license for that purpose must be obtained from an authorized agent (HRS §572-1.7). Once the license has been issued, there is no waiting period before the marriage can take place.

A marriage license and marriage certificate are different documents. The marriage license permits a marriage to take place. The marriage certificate indicates that a legal marriage has been performed.

The marriage certificate is prepared and filed by your licensed marriage officiant or performer with the Department of Health. A newly married couple receives one (1) certified copy of the marriage certificate at no extra charge, upon payment of the marriage license fee, which will be sent to the couple by mail (60-120 days) after the marriage has been performed. If a marriage certificate is needed sooner than this, you can apply for one or more additional certified copies.

Marriage performers must be duly licensed by and in the State of Hawaii to perform the marriage ceremony. If desired, you may request the marriage performer to present his/her license for your inspection. For further information about obtaining a marriage performer, you can visit The Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau website or call them at (808) 924-0266.

Getting Marriage License Information by Telephone

Information on marriage licenses may be obtained via the telephone system, any day or any time, by calling (808) 586-4545 or you may call during regular business hours at the marriage license office at (808) 586-4544.

Contacting this Office by E-mail

To send an e-mail message, click on now.

Who is Eligible to Apply for a Marriage License?

  • There are no state residence or U.S. citizenship requirements.
  • Blood tests are not required.
  • The legal age to marry is 18 years for both males and females.
  • Males or females of 16 or 17 years of age who wish to marry require the written consent of both parents, legal guardian, or the family court. The parents or legal guardian do not have to be residents of the state. Consent forms may be obtained from a marriage license agent.
  • Males or females of 15 years of age who wish to marry require the written consent of both parents or legal guardian, and the written approval of a judge of the family court. The parents or legal guardian do not have to be residents of the state. Consent forms may be obtained from a marriage license agent.
  • Proof of age is required. A certified copy of a birth certificate must be presented for anyone 18 years of age or under. A valid I.D. or driver’s license may be presented for anyone 19 years of age or over.
  • If previously married, proof of original divorce decree or death certificate needs to be presented to the marriage agent by the applicant if the divorce or death was final within 30 days of applying for a marriage license. NO FAXES ARE ACCEPTED.
  • Cousins may marry. However, the blood relationship between the prospective bride and groom cannot be closer than first cousins.

How to Apply for a Marriage License

  • The prospective bride and groom must appear together in person before a marriage license agent to apply for a marriage license. Proxies are not allowed.
  • The prospective bride and groom should be prepared to provide the necessary proof of age and present any required written consents and approvals. All of the necessary documents should be obtained prior to applying for a marriage license.
  • The prospective bride and groom must prepare an official application and file the application in person with the marriage license agent. Applications are provided by the marriage license agent or may be downloaded from this site (see below). The application will not be accepted if sent by either postal mail or e-mail.
  • Upon approval, a marriage license is issued at the time the application is made.
  • The marriage license costs $60.00, payable in cash at the time the application is made.
  • The marriage license is good only in, but is valid throughout, the State of Hawaii.
  • The marriage license expires 30 days from and including the date of issuance, after which it automatically becomes null and void.
  • If you do not get married within the 30 days, return the unused license in the pre-addressed envelope provided to you for invalidation.

Where to Apply for a Marriage License

  • In Honolulu - Room 101 (1st floor) of the Health Department Building, 1250 Punchbowl St. (corner of Beretania and Punchbowl Streets) - office telephone number (808) 586-4544.

    Office Hours Effective October 13 to December 5, 2008: Monday through Thursday (excluding holidays), 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Please call (Hawaii Standard Time) the following agents on Oahu to schedule an appointment when the Marriage License Office is closed on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays:

    Name Area Phone Number Availability
    Sherilynn Luning Honolulu (808) 523-1880 By Appointment Only
    Fusako Miyamoto Pearl City (808) 455-1186 By Appointment Only

  • For the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of marriage agents on the neighbor islands - call the local office of the Department of Health:

    Hawaii (Big Island) - (808) 974-6008
    Kauai - (808) 241-3498
    Maui - (808) 984-8210
    Molokai - (808) 553-3663
    Lanai - (808) 565-6411

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Getting Married in New York State

Getting Married in New York State

The Marriage License

Where do you get one?

A couple who intends to be married in New York State must apply in person for a marriage license to any town or city clerk in the state. The application for a license must be signed by both the bride and groom in the presence of the town or city clerk. A representative cannot apply for the license on behalf of the bride or groom. This applies even if the representative has been given the Power of Attorney. Notarized marriage license affidavits signed by the bride or groom cannot be substituted for their personal appearance.

Is there a waiting period?

Yes. Although the marriage license is issued immediately, the marriage ceremony may not take place within 24 hours from the exact time that the license was issued. When both applicants are 16 years of age or older, the 24-hour waiting period may be waived by an order of a justice of the Supreme Court or a judge of the County Court of the county in which either the bride or groom resides. If either person is under 16 years of age, the order must be from the Family Court judge of the county in which the person under 16 years of age resides.

How long is the license valid?

A marriage license is valid for 60 days, beginning the day after it is issued.

How much does it cost?

If the marriage license is issued by a town or city clerk in New York State outside of New York City, it costs $40. This fee includes the issuance of a Certificate of Marriage Registration. This certificate is automatically sent by the issuing clerk to the applicants within 15 days after the completed license is returned by the officiant (person who performs the marriage ceremony). It serves as notice that a record of the marriage is on file. Couples who do not receive a Certificate of Marriage Registration within four weeks of the wedding should contact the town or city clerk who issued the license.

If the license is to be issued by the City Clerk of the City of New York, please contact the New York City Clerk's Office for current fees and requirements. The City Clerk's Office can be reached at (212) 669-2400 or via their web site at New York City Marriage Bureau.
Is a premarital physical exam required?

No premarital examination or blood test is required to obtain a marriage license in New York State.

What are the age and consent requirements for minors?

* If either applicant is under 14 years of age, a marriage license cannot be issued.
* If either applicant is 14 or 15 years of age, such applicant(s) must present the written consent of both parents and a justice of the Supreme Court or a judge of the Family Court having jurisdiction over the town or city in which the application is made.
* If either applicant is 16 or 17 years of age, such applicant(s) must present the written consent of both parents.
* If both applicants are 18 years of age or older, no consents are required.
* One parent alone may consent to a minor's marriage if:
o The other parent has been missing for one year preceding the application;
o The parents are divorced and the consenting parent was given sole custody of the child when the divorce decree was awarded;
o The other parent has been judged incompetent; or the other parent is deceased.
o Parents, guardians or other people consenting to the marriage of a minor must personally appear and acknowledge or execute their consent before the town or city clerk or some other authorized official. If the notarized affidavit is made before an official outside of the State of New York, it must be accompanied by a certificate of authentication when the consent is filed in New York State.

Proof of Age and Identity

A person is required to establish proof of age and identity by submitting to the issuing clerk one of the following age related documents:

1. Birth Certificate
2. Baptismal record
3. Naturalization record
4. Census record

And one of the following identity related documents:

1. Driver's license
2. Passport
3. Employment picture ID
4. Immigration record

Familial Restrictions

A marriage may not take place in New York State between an ancestor and descendant, a brother and sister (full or half blood), an uncle and niece or an aunt and nephew, regardless of whether or not these persons are legitimate or illegitimate offspring.

Previous Marriages

Information regarding previous marriages must be furnished in the application for a marriage license. This includes whether the former spouse or spouses are living, and whether the applicants are divorced and, if so, when, where and against whom the divorce or divorces were granted. A certified copy of the Decree of Divorce or a Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage may be required by the clerk issuing the marriage license.

Surname Options

Every person has the right to adopt any name by which he or she wishes to be known simply by using that name consistently and without intent to defraud. A person's last name (surname) does not automatically change upon marriage, and neither party to the marriage is required to change his or her last name. The bride and groom need not take the same last name.

One or both parties to a marriage may elect to change the surname by which he or she wishes to be known after the marriage by entering the new name in the appropriate space provided on the marriage license. The new name must consist of one of the following options:

* the surname of the other spouse;
* any former surname of either spouse;
* a name combining into a single surname all or a segment of the premarriage surname or any former surname of each spouse;
* a combination name separated by a hyphen, provided that each part of such combination surname is the premarriage surname, or any former surname, of each of the spouses.

The use of this option will provide a record of your change of name. The marriage certificate, containing the new name, if any, is proof that the use of the new name, or the retention of the former name, is lawful. The local Social Security Administration office should be contacted so that its records and your social security identification card reflect the name change. There is no charge for this service.

Whether you decide to use or not use this option at the time of your marriage license application, you still have the right to adopt a different name through usage at some future date. However, your marriage license cannot be changed to record a surname you decide to use after your marriage.

If you plan to use your married name at work, be sure to have your name changed in Social Security records. This way, you will get credit for all your earnings. It's easy and it's absolutely free. Contact any Social Security office. Look in the telephone book for the address and phone number. You will need documentary evidence showing both your old name and your new name.

Where can a marriage take place?

A New York State marriage license may be used within New York State only. Please note that if you go out of New York State to be married, your New York State marriage license will not be filed in New York State.
What about the ceremony?

There is no particular form or ceremony required except that the parties must state in the presence of an authorized member of the clergy or public official and at least one other witness that they take each other as husband and wife. There is no minimum age for a witness. However, in selecting a witness, choose at least one person who you feel would be competent to testify in a court proceeding as to what he or she witnessed.
Who can perform a marriage ceremony?

To be valid, a marriage ceremony must be performed by any of the individuals specified in Section 11 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law. These include:

* the mayor of a city or village;
* the former mayor, the city clerk or one of the deputy city clerks of a city of more than one million inhabitants;
* a marriage officer appointed by the town or village board or the city common council;
* a justice or judge of the following courts: the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the U.S. District Courts for the Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western Districts of New York, the New York State Court of Appeals, the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court, the New York State Supreme Court, the Court of Claims, the Family Court, a Surrogates Court, the Civil and Criminal Courts of New York City (including Housing judges of the Civil Court) and other courts of record;
* a village, town or county justice;
* a member of the clergy or minister who has been officially ordained and granted authority to perform marriage ceremonies from a governing church body in accordance with the rules and regulations of the church body;
* a member of the clergy or minister who is not authorized by a governing church body but who has been chosen by a spiritual group to preside over their spiritual affairs;
* other officiants as specified by Section 11 of the Domestic Relations Law.

The person performing the ceremony must be registered with the City of New York in order to perform a ceremony within the New York City limits. The officiant does not have to be a resident of New York State. Ship captains are not authorized to perform marriage ceremonies in New York State.
Where can I get copies of my records?

For copies of marriage licenses issued anywhere in New York State except the five (5) boroughs of New York City, a certified copy of the marriage record may be obtained from the office of the town or city clerk who issued the license, or from the New York State Department of Health. The fee is $10 if you obtain a certified copy from the town or city clerk who issued the license. If applying to the New York State Department of Health, the fee is $30. For a certified copy, write to:
Certification Unit
Vital Records Section
New York State Department of Health
P.O. Box 2602
Albany, New York 12220-2602

For marriage licenses issued in New York City, do not apply to the New York State Department of Health. For an application, current fees and ordering information contact the City Clerk of New York at (212) 669-2400 or visit their web site at New York CityMarriage Bureau. You can also write them at:

* New York City marriage records from 1930 to 1995 can be obtained solely from the Manhattan Office.
Municipal Building
1 Centre Street, Room 252 South
New York, New York 10007
Supreme Court Building
851 Grand Concourse
New York, New York 10451
Municipal Building
210 Joralemon Street, 2nd Floor, Room 205
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Borough Hall Building 120-55 Queens Boulevard
Kew Gardens, New York 11424
Borough Hall Building
10 Richmond Terrace, 3rd Floor, Room 311
Staten Island, New York 10301


Thursday, 20 November 2008

Fox and Green Still Together

Fox and Green Still Together

Brian Austin Green is baffled by reports he has split from his World's Sexiest Woman fiancee Megan Fox, because they are busy planning their wedding.

The split rumors have circulated since Maxim magazine hailed the 21-year-old actress the hottest star of the year earlier in 2008.

But former "Beverly Hills 90210" star Green insists they're as close as ever.

He says, "We're still engaged."

And the wedding plans are in full swing: "(The ceremony will be) small. Originally we were talking elopement and now we might have a few people there."

source by : SFGate
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Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Wedding Poems

Wedding Poems

Here you'll find free wedding poems for wedding cards, wedding invitations, wedding favors, wedding thank yous, wedding toasts and wedding vows.

Wedding poetry that can be used on wedding greeting cards or that goes along with a wedding gift is popular. This wedding verse is like that.

May All Good Things Be Yours

Your happiness begins
With your wonderful wedding day.
You’ll share everything together;

Through it all, your love will stay.

Congratulations to you,
As you begin your happy life.
May all good things be yours,
As new husband and new wife.

By Joanna Fuchs

The general wedding verses below can accompany a wedding gift or can be put on a wedding greeting card. If you're also looking for a wedding gift, we have a link to a personalized wedding gift boutique below. A personalized wedding gift makes an especially thoughtful wedding gift. A personalized wedding gift says, "I care enough to take the time to find a gift that's uniquely for you."

Wedding poems can be short or long, light or serious. The following wedding poem can go along with a wedding gift or it says just the right thing on a wedding card.

The Best Is Yet To Be

On your joyful wedding day,
You begin a brand new life.
Friends and family give their gifts
To joyful husband, blissful wife.

But the greatest gift you'll ever get,
A gift from heaven above,
Is love forever, ending never,
Everlasting love.

You'll share life's joy and pleasure;
You'll have plenty of that, it's true.
But love is the real treasure
For your new spouse and you.

And if life hands you challenges,
As it does to one and all,
Your love will hold you steady
And never let you fall.

Your wedding day is full of joy;
Tomorrow you cannot see.
But one thing's sure for the two of you:
The best is yet to be.

By Joanna Fuchs

Wedding poems often talk about a happy start to a lifetime of happiness, as this wedding poem does.

Marriage Glow

Your wedding day is just the start
Of a lifetime full of love and fun.
It just begins as you take your vows,
When the two of you are joined as one;

We wish for you sweet happiness;
Through the years, may your love grow,
To warm you both from day to day,
In your marriage’s satisfying glow.

By Joanna Fuchs

Wedding Invitation Verse

Attendance at a wedding requires an invitation! Wedding poems are appropriate on wedding invitations. Here's a wedding poem that's also a wedding invitation verse.

You're Invited!

A wedding is coming!
Details inside.
Come celebrate
With the groom and the bride.

There’ll be music and food,
Joy and fun—come and see,
And please let us know
With your RSVP.

By Joanna Fuchs

Wedding Thank You Poem
or Wedding Favor Poem

Wedding poems are used on thank you notes and on wedding programs. This wedding poem could be used as a wedding thank you poem (distributed at the reception) or as a poem for a wedding program, or even as a wedding favor poem.

Program/Thank You

Today we begin the rest of our life
Together forever as husband and wife.
Our dreams came true, with love and more—
Adventures to have and the world to explore.

We’ll share our joys, we’ll share our sorrows;
We can already see many bright tomorrows.
We’ll share our friends and family, too,
And you are part of that special crew.

Thank you for celebrating our wedding day.
As we share our vows, we just want to say:
These wedding memories will become a treasure,
And seeing you here is part of the pleasure.

By Joanna Fuchs

A wedding is about new beginnings, and wedding poems reflect that. This wedding poem talks about the beginning and the continuation of wedding love. Wedding poetry, especially a wedding rhyme, makes your contribution to the wedding very special. This wedding poem could be a wedding toast poem, a wedding day poem or a wedding card poem. You can also use it with a wedding gift or on a wedding card.

Door to Happiness

A wedding is a door to happiness,
When two decide to share their lives as one.
Your marriage is an adventure bright and new;
The pleasures and delights have just begun.

I/We wish for you a lifetime full of love;
May you always keep that magical attraction.
Let your bond and your commitment grow with time,
So that all your days are filled with satisfaction.

By Joanna Fuchs

Here’s a free wedding poem in free verse, designed specifically for a greeting card. It’s a wedding verse sure to warm the hearts of the happy couple.

Unshakeable Bond

A wedding of two people
of quality and character,
so obviously right for each other,
is a joy and a blessing to the world.
May your fondest hopes, wishes and dreams
all come true,
as you grow closer together
in an unshakeable, loving bond.
May your marriage be filled
with sunshine and rainbows
and every kind of happiness
you two so richly deserve.
Congratulations, and every good wish
for the best things life has to offer you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Wedding poetry designed for a card expresses good wishes for the new couple, as this wedding verse does.

Wonderful Life

Congratulations on your marriage,
Have a wonderful life!
You are two terrific people,
Now teamed as man and wife.

A team with blessings like yours
Will live a life you'll cherish;
You’ll find happiness everywhere,
For your love will never perish.

By Karl Fuchs

Wedding Toasts

Free verse wedding poems can be used as wedding toasts. Such wedding toasts should touch and entertain the wedding guests as well as the wedding couple, as this poem tries to do.

Wedding Toast

Here’s to Jim and Kathy:
May they always love each other as much as they do today.
Now each of you has a best friend forever.
Each of you is a shelter for the other from life’s storms.
Each of you can share with each other life’s greatest pleasures.
This is a great beginning, but the best is yet to come.
Let today’s treasured memories turn into beautiful tomorrows
full of joy, fun, contentment and satisfaction.
The world always welcomes lovers,
and the whole wide world is opening up for you now
to share its treasures and delights.
May all your dreams come true, and may we get to share in them!

By Joanna Fuchs

Here's another free verse wedding poem designed as a wedding toast. It's designed to lift up the bride and groom and also make the guests happy.

Perfect Partner Wedding Toast

Here's to Brad and Jill:
May they find in each other
the perfect partner for life's adventure.
May their marriage be filled with happiness
exceeding their wildest dreams.
May they see again each and every day
all the qualities in the other
that made them fall in love and marry.
And may they always be grateful
for life's greatest gift--
a marriage based on true love.
May your true love give both of you
joy, and peace, and satisfaction.

By Joanna Fuchs

Free Sample Wedding Ceremony Vows

Some wedding poems can be used as wedding vows. Here is a free verse wedding vow for the bride that could also be used as a wedding poem.

Bride's Vow

My wonderful (groom’s name),
On our wedding day, I think of all the reasons
I am blessed to be your wife:

You are the joy of my life.
In you I found much more than I ever hoped,
more than I ever dreamed a man could be.
In your arms, I feel happy, safe, protected.
You’re my hero, my defender, my soulmate, my love.

I was born for you.
There was a space in my heart that you fill perfectly.
I fall in love with you again every time I see you.

We are alike, and yet we are different.
Our similarities bond us together,
and our differences keep things interesting.
And no matter what,
you let me be me, just as I am.
I am so grateful for that.

I want to keep discovering you.
I love so many things about you now,
and I know I will find many more to love.

The many little things you to do please me
touch me more than you know.
You see me with your heart,
and you always make me feel beautiful.

This is the beginning
of the rest of our lives together.
We have so much happiness ahead of us,
a lifetime of love,
a lifetime to create wonderful memories.
Nothing matters more than being with you.
I love you; I trust you; I am totally open to you.

Everything that’s woman in me responds to the man in you,
And as we become husband and wife,
I want you to know that there will never be
anyone else for me but you,
my husband, my love, my life.

By Joanna Fuchs

Some wedding poems can be used as wedding vows. Here is a wedding vow, in the form of a free verse wedding poem, for the groom.

Groom's Vow

My sweet (bride’s name)
On our wedding day, I think of all the reasons
I am blessed to be your husband:

You are the joy of my life.
You are everything I ever wanted in a woman.
My heart soars every time I see you.
Just the sound of your voice brings me pleasure.
I never get enough of you.

When I’m with you I feel happy, complete, confident, strong,
everything a man wants to feel.
You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

I’m a better person when I’m around you.
You bring out good parts of me I didn’t even know I had.
You inspire me to be the best I can be.
I’m better for knowing you, better for loving you.

You’re so easy to love.
You brighten my life in so many ways.
When you’re not with me, I miss you.
It feels like we were meant for each other.
It means so much to me to have you by my side.

I can’t find words to say
how intense my feelings are for you.
You thrill me beyond description.
I didn’t know what happiness was till I met you.

You’re my serenity, my comforter,
a peaceful refuge from the outside world.
No one else knows me like you do.
I share things with you I’ve never shared before,
and you use the things you discover about me
to do things that make me happy.
I am so grateful for that.
I love you; I trust you; I am totally open to you.

Everything that’s man in me
responds to the woman in you
And as we become husband and wife,
There will never be anyone else for me,
My wife, my love, my life.

By Joanna Fuchs

source by: poemsource
author : Joanna Fuchs or Karl Fuchs
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Sunday, 16 November 2008

Jessica Alba's second wedding

Jessica Alba's second wedding

Jessica Alba is set to wear a $47,000 gown to her wedding party.

The 'Sin City' actress, who married Cash Warren in an intimate ceremony earlier this year, is planning a lavish belated celebration next month for her friends and family.
Jessica has also ordered a stunning custom-made off-white Chanel dress trimmed with lace for the bash.

A source said: "Jessica first wanted to wear a traditional gown with a veil, but then she changed her mind because she thought it would be over the top.

Actress Jessica Alba is seen at Invesco Field, on the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Thursday, Aug. 28, 2008. [Agencies]

"Instead she chose a dress that could pass as a wedding gown but also work for a formal event, like the Oscars."

Jessica and Cash, who have a five-month-old daughter Honor together, tied the knot in a private civil ceremony at the Beverly Hills

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Saturday, 15 November 2008

Celebrity Wedding Present

Celebrity Wedding Present

Who has the upper hand in various musician-celebrity marriages?

It Coldplay hitting town, Chatter got to thinking about front man Chris Martin and his wife, actress Gwyneth Paltrow. Given each spouse's considerable success, who really wears the pants in that marriage — and a few others?

Coldplay/Gwyneth Paltrow:

Coldplay has won four Grammys, including 2004 Record of the Year for "Clocks." Not content with mere critical success, the band has also sold more than 40 million albums worldwide.

Paltrow won a Best Actress Oscar in 1999 for her role in Shakespeare in Love, the last of a quick triumvirate of movies featuring her British accent — thus leading to the popular opinion that Paltrow is, in fact, British. Marrying Martin only confirmed this.
Since this momentous win, though, she's done almost nothing but frightening critical and commercial duds until this year's Iron Man.
Winner: Martin sits at the head of this table. That's what happens when you're one of the most popular musicians in the world and your wife plays a superhero's sidekick with approximately ten lines.

Seal/Heidi Klum:

Seal can't exactly be called a one-hit wonder, but we dare you to name a hit of his other than Grammy-award-winning "Kiss from a Rose" — a chart-topping single that achieved international fame thanks to its role in 1995's atrocious Batman Forever. We're still trying to figure out what else made it onto his 2004 greatest hits album.

Aside from being one of the world's most famous — not to mention successful — supermodels and, at 35 with three kids, still a prominent Victoria's Secret model, Klum hosts Project Runway, one of the most successful reality shows on TV. Her tagline, "You're either in, or you're out," is repeated by women and gay men around the world.

Winner: Seal, hands down. No matter how successful his wife ends up, nothing she does will ever trump the fact that he gets to go to bed with one of the most beautiful people in the world every night.

Madonna/Guy Ritchie:

The Queen of Pop has sold more than 200 million albums, has a net worth of close to half a billion dollars and has set more trends than all of her peers combined. Sure, she might have starred in some of the worst movies ever made, but did we mention she's worth half a billion friggin' dollars?

Ritchie, meanwhile, has directed three Brit gangster movies that no one can tell apart — RockNRolla being the latest — the pretty awful Revolver and one of the five worst movies of the new millennium: Swept Away...starring Madonna.

: Madonna is finally divorcing the hack after almost eight years of him always standing two feet behind her, so who do you think?

Source by : Cole Haddon
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Thursday, 13 November 2008

Scarlett, Ryan plan second wedding

Scarlett, Ryan plan second wedding

American actress Scarlett Johansson and Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds are reportedly planning to have a second wedding.

The two had previously tied the knot in a secret ceremony held in a wilderness resort in Vancouver, Canada, in September (08), and are now secretly planning another.

As their friends and family members could not attend the first wedding, they have decided to have another ceremony in the coming months for 150 guests.

‘Scarlett wants something simple and classic. They've agreed on 150 guests,’ ‘Contactmusic’ quoted a source as telling ‘OK!’ magazine

source by: screenindian
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Monday, 10 November 2008

Beyonce on offers for wedding pics: 'Ridiculous!'

Beyonce on offers for wedding pics: 'Ridiculous!'

NEW YORK (AP) — Beyonce insists she would have never considered selling photos of her hush-hush wedding to Jay-Z to a glossy celebrity magazine. Still, the singer acknowledges that she was amazed at the amount of money that was offered.

"Now, they offer crazy money that's just ridiculous," she said in a recent interview, laughing. "But in the end, absolutely not. It's so not worth it. If anything, if you wanna put something out, then put it out, not for (money)."

Beyonce and Jay-Z were married in April in an intimate ceremony in New York City.

"We worked really hard at keeping it private," she said. "I've always been this way, and he's always been this way, so that's why we complement each other. We always knew that it would be private and quiet, for all the right reasons."

Though Beyonce declined to talk about specific details, she's been more open to acknowledging her relationship in recent interviews after years of silence about it.

She's due to release her new CD, "I AM ... SASHA FIERCE," on Nov. 18. MySpace Music is giving listeners worldwide the first official preview of the CD on its Web site starting 3 a.m. EST Tuesday. The 27-year-old singer joins the list of other musicians who provide fans with an online preview of the CD in the days before its release.

source by: The Associated Press
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