Top Ways to Save on Wedding Invitations
Keep your guest list small.
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not the time to be extremely polite—this is your day, and you deserve to have the people you love at your ceremony. Just because people know that you’re getting married, doesn’t mean they all have to come to wedding. Remember, the more invitations you send out, the more people that will show up, the more reception dinners you’ll have to pay for…and the list goes on. Keeping your guest list small will help you to save on other wedding costs as well, so choose wisely.
Make your own invitations.
If you’re especially crafty or know exactly how you want your invitations to look (and haven’t seen this look in stores or online) you may want to consider making your invitations yourself. This way, you can save money, and add your own special touches to make an invitation that really is unique to your ceremony and your relationship. Of course, you may still have to ask for help, but if you need friends and family to give you pointers on the invitation design or provide supplies for you to use, you won’t have to pay for labor. You can also be sure that no one will have your invitations, and this will be another way to give guests the impression that your wedding will be an event to remember. You can also look online for wedding invitation templates to follow if you want to keep things a little more traditional, or aren’t quite ready to try your hand at such a crafty task. Here are some sites that may help:,, and
Use less paper.
Your invitation doesn’t have to be two or three pages; you can save the story of how you met for the wedding video or the wedding programs in order to cut costs. A single sheet invitation will usually save you money, and looks very classy and sophisticated. If you want to add photos to your wedding invitations, you may want to use a photo of wedding rings, or a picture of you and your fiancé as a backdrop, and include all the information about the ceremony on the same sheet. Using one ink color and a smaller border can also help to save money. The key is to make your wedding invitations look interesting and tasteful enough for people to want to attend the ceremony, and you can definitely do this without spending a whole lot of money. After all, you want to save for that fabulous dress and great reception—these are the things that will keep your guests remembering your day for years to come.
By Michael Ferrell
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